Delaware needs balance not radical change
The Progressive Agenda
Real Solutions
Pour more money into Delaware's failed public schools
Eliminate the referendum system so that school taxes can be increased without limit
Eliminate Charter Schools despite their success
Penalize parents who choose to send their kids to private schools
Promote teachers solely based on seniority and not their skills and abilities
Implement unrestricted school choice so that parents can send their kids to the best school even if it's in another district or another state
Money follows the chlld so that more parents can afford private schools
Fair teacher accountability standards
Divert money from overpaid administrators in order to increase teacher salaries without higher taxes
Implement policies that have resulted in increased crime everywhere that they were enacted
Defund the police
Eliminate cash bail, solitary confinement and the death penalty
Put repeat offenders back on the street as quickly as possible
Enact new gun laws that will prevent citizens from being able to defend themselves and be ignored by criminals
Fail to prosecute over 70% of the criminals that are arrested on gun charges
Pander to criminals instead of supporting law abiding citizens
Provide better training for police officers and fully staff police departments
Put violent criminals and repeat offenders in jail
End Delaware's revolving door justice system
Stop illegal gun sales by vigorously prosecuting offenders including the use of stiff Federal gun charges
Require the Attorney General to effectively enforce existing gun laws
Heath Care
Implement a socialized, single payer heath system
Put your heath care into the government's hands and take treatment decisions away from your doctor
Eliminate private health insurance
Restrict the availability of hospitals and other health care facilities
Provide free heath care to illegal aliens at taxpayer expense
Allow individuals and businesses to buy health insurance from the carrier of their choice, even from out of state
Allow groups to form Association Health Plans in order to negotiate for better rates
Bring additional health insurance providers into Delaware
Increase the availability of heath care by eliminating Certificate of Need laws and encouraging large university heath systems to expand into the State
Eliminate Balance Billing and other schemes used by providers to inflate their revenue
Enact Delaware's Green New Deal
Replace fossil fuels with unreliable alternatives
Drastically increase gasoline taxes
Force everyone to drive unsafe "fuel efficient" vehicles
Force Delaware's chemical and petroleum industry to close resulting in the loss of thousands of jobs
Utilize all sources of energy in a safe and effective manner
Take action to decrease utility rates in Delaware
Promote research into maximizing the efficiency of existing energy sources while lowering emissions
Grow Delaware's energy related businesses and bring more high paying jobs to the State